From: Dominik Csapak <>
Subject: [pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager v2 7/7] ui: dashboard: add task summaries
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 13:28:24 +0100 [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>
similar to what we show in PBS.
We add two panels:
* one for summarizing by category (e.g. guest migration)
* one by the 5 remotes with the most tasks
Each shows a list of categories/remotes with a count per state
(success,warning,error). A click on such a count opens a filtered
view that shows only those tasks.
Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
ui/src/dashboard/ | 110 +++++++++++++-
ui/src/dashboard/ | 302 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 407 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 ui/src/dashboard/
diff --git a/ui/src/dashboard/ b/ui/src/dashboard/
index 9d79cd3..62237b6 100644
--- a/ui/src/dashboard/
+++ b/ui/src/dashboard/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use std::rc::Rc;
use anyhow::Error;
+use js_sys::Date;
use serde_json::json;
use yew::{
virtual_dom::{VComp, VNode},
@@ -15,7 +16,10 @@ use pwt::{
-use pdm_api_types::resource::{GuestStatusCount, NodeStatusCount, ResourcesStatus};
+use pdm_api_types::{
+ resource::{GuestStatusCount, NodeStatusCount, ResourcesStatus},
+ TaskStatistics,
use pdm_client::types::TopEntity;
use crate::{remotes::AddWizard, RemoteList};
@@ -28,6 +32,9 @@ pub use subscription_info::SubscriptionInfo;
mod filtered_tasks;
+mod tasks;
+use tasks::TaskSummary;
#[derive(Properties, PartialEq)]
pub struct Dashboard {
@@ -50,15 +57,24 @@ impl Default for Dashboard {
pub enum Msg {
LoadingFinished(Result<ResourcesStatus, Error>),
TopEntitiesLoadResult(Result<pdm_client::types::TopEntities, proxmox_client::Error>),
+ StatisticsLoadResult(Result<TaskStatistics, Error>),
+struct StatisticsOptions {
+ hours: u32,
+ since: i64,
+ data: Option<TaskStatistics>,
+ error: Option<Error>,
pub struct PdmDashboard {
status: ResourcesStatus,
last_error: Option<Error>,
top_entities: Option<pdm_client::types::TopEntities>,
last_top_entities_error: Option<proxmox_client::Error>,
+ statistics: StatisticsOptions,
loading: bool,
remote_list: RemoteList,
show_wizard: bool,
@@ -163,6 +179,47 @@ impl PdmDashboard {
+ fn create_task_summary_panel(
+ &self,
+ statistics: &StatisticsOptions,
+ remotes: Option<u32>,
+ ) -> Panel {
+ let title = match remotes {
+ Some(count) => tr!(
+ "Task Summary for Top {0} Remotes (Last {1}h)",
+ count,
+ statistics.hours
+ ),
+ None => tr!("Task Summary by Category (Last {0}h)", statistics.hours),
+ };
+ Panel::new()
+ .flex(1.0)
+ .width(500)
+ .border(true)
+ .title(self.create_title_with_icon("list", title))
+ .with_child(
+ Container::new()
+ .class(FlexFit)
+ .padding(2)
+ .with_optional_child(
+ statistics
+ .data
+ .clone()
+ .map(|data| TaskSummary::new(data, statistics.since, remotes)),
+ )
+ .with_optional_child(
+ (statistics.error.is_none() &&
+ .then_some(loading_column()),
+ )
+ .with_optional_child(
+ statistics
+ .error
+ .as_ref()
+ .map(|err| error_message(&err.to_string())),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
fn create_top_entities_panel(
icon: &str,
@@ -209,16 +266,39 @@ impl Component for PdmDashboard {
+ let hours = 24;
+ let since = (Date::now() / 1000.0) as i64 - (hours as i64 * 60 * 60);
+ async_pool.spawn({
+ let link =;
+ async move {
+ // TODO replace with pdm client call
+ let params = Some(json!({
+ "since": since,
+ "limit": 0,
+ }));
+ let res = http_get("/remote-tasks/statistics", params).await;
+ link.send_message(Msg::StatisticsLoadResult(res));
+ }
+ });
let (remote_list, _context_listener) = ctx
.expect("No Remote list context provided");
+ let statistics = StatisticsOptions {
+ hours,
+ since,
+ data: None,
+ error: None,
+ };
Self {
status: ResourcesStatus::default(),
last_error: None,
top_entities: None,
last_top_entities_error: None,
+ statistics,
loading: true,
show_wizard: false,
@@ -250,6 +330,16 @@ impl Component for PdmDashboard {
+ Msg::StatisticsLoadResult(res) => {
+ match res {
+ Ok(statistics) => {
+ self.statistics.error = None;
+ = Some(statistics);
+ }
+ Err(err) => self.statistics.error = Some(err),
+ }
+ true
+ }
Msg::RemoteListChanged(remote_list) => {
let changed = self.remote_list != remote_list;
self.remote_list = remote_list;
@@ -262,7 +352,7 @@ impl Component for PdmDashboard {
- fn view(&self, _ctx: &yew::Context<Self>) -> yew::Html {
+ fn view(&self, ctx: &yew::Context<Self>) -> yew::Html {
let (remote_icon, remote_text) = match (self.status.failed_remotes, self.status.remotes) {
(0, 0) => (Status::Warning.to_fa_icon(), tr!("No remotes configured.")),
(0, _) => (
@@ -292,7 +382,7 @@ impl Component for PdmDashboard {
.icon_class("fa fa-plus-circle")
- .onclick(|_| Msg::CreateWizard(true))),
+ .onclick(|_| Msg::CreateWizard(true))),
@@ -394,7 +484,6 @@ impl Component for PdmDashboard {
- .class(pwt::css::Flex::Fill)
.style("padding-top", "0")
@@ -416,6 +505,17 @@ impl Component for PdmDashboard {
tr!("Memory usage"),
self.top_entities.as_ref().map(|e| &e.node_memory),
+ )
+ .with_child(
+ Container::new()
+ .class("pwt-content-spacer")
+ .class("pwt-flex-direction-row")
+ .class("pwt-align-content-start")
+ .style("padding-top", "0")
+ .class(pwt::css::Flex::Fill)
+ .class(FlexWrap::Wrap)
+ .with_child(self.create_task_summary_panel(&self.statistics, None))
+ .with_child(self.create_task_summary_panel(&self.statistics, Some(5))),
@@ -425,7 +525,7 @@ impl Component for PdmDashboard {
- .on_close(|_| Msg::CreateWizard(false)))
+ .on_close(|_| Msg::CreateWizard(false)))
.on_submit(move |ctx| {
diff --git a/ui/src/dashboard/ b/ui/src/dashboard/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a41b38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/src/dashboard/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use yew::html::Scope;
+use yew::virtual_dom::Key;
+use proxmox_yew_comp::common_api_types::TaskStatusClass;
+use pwt::css;
+use pwt::prelude::*;
+use pwt::props::ExtractPrimaryKey;
+use pwt::state::Store;
+use pwt::widget::data_table::{DataTable, DataTableColumn, DataTableHeader};
+use pwt::widget::{ActionIcon, Container, Tooltip};
+use pwt_macros::{builder, widget};
+use pdm_api_types::TaskStatistics;
+use crate::tasks::{get_type_title, map_worker_type};
+use super::filtered_tasks::FilteredTasks;
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
+struct TaskSummaryItem {
+ prio: usize, // sort order
+ group: String,
+ title: String,
+ error_count: u64,
+ warning_count: u64,
+ ok_count: u64,
+ unknown_count: u64,
+impl TaskSummaryItem {
+ fn new(group: impl Into<String>, title: impl Into<String>, prio: usize) -> Self {
+ TaskSummaryItem {
+ group: group.into(),
+ title: title.into(),
+ prio,
+ error_count: 0,
+ warning_count: 0,
+ ok_count: 0,
+ unknown_count: 0,
+ }
+ }
+impl ExtractPrimaryKey for TaskSummaryItem {
+ fn extract_key(&self) -> Key {
+ Key::from(
+ }
+#[widget(comp=ProxmoxTaskSummary, @element)]
+#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Properties)]
+pub struct TaskSummary {
+ statistics: TaskStatistics,
+ since: i64,
+ top_remotes: Option<u32>,
+impl TaskSummary {
+ /// New Task Summary, if `top_remotes` is `Some`, group
+ /// by that much remotes instead of predefined groups.
+ pub fn new(statistics: TaskStatistics, since: i64, top_remotes: Option<u32>) -> Self {
+ yew::props!(Self {
+ statistics,
+ since,
+ top_remotes
+ })
+ }
+pub enum Msg {
+ ShowFilteredTasks(Option<(String, TaskStatusClass)>), // task_tyope
+pub enum ViewState {}
+pub struct ProxmoxTaskSummary {
+ store: Store<TaskSummaryItem>,
+ task_filters: Option<(String, TaskStatusClass)>,
+fn extract_task_summary(data: &TaskStatistics) -> Vec<TaskSummaryItem> {
+ let mut map: HashMap<String, TaskSummaryItem> = HashMap::new();
+ let mut prio = 0;
+ let mut insert_type = |task_type: &str| {
+ prio += 1;
+ map.insert(
+ task_type.to_string(),
+ TaskSummaryItem::new(task_type, get_type_title(task_type), prio),
+ );
+ };
+ insert_type("migrate");
+ insert_type("qm");
+ insert_type("vz");
+ insert_type("ceph");
+ insert_type("vzdump");
+ insert_type("ha");
+ for (worker_type, count) in data.by_type.iter() {
+ let task_type = map_worker_type(worker_type);
+ let entry = match map.get_mut(task_type) {
+ Some(entry) => entry,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ entry.ok_count += count.ok;
+ entry.warning_count += count.warning;
+ entry.error_count += count.error;
+ entry.unknown_count += count.unknown;
+ }
+ let mut list: Vec<TaskSummaryItem> = map.into_values().collect();
+ list.sort();
+ list
+fn extract_task_summary_remote(data: &TaskStatistics, limit: u32) -> Vec<TaskSummaryItem> {
+ let mut map: HashMap<String, TaskSummaryItem> = HashMap::new();
+ for (remote, count) in data.by_remote.iter() {
+ let entry = map
+ .entry(remote.to_string())
+ .or_insert_with(|| TaskSummaryItem::new(remote, remote, 0));
+ entry.ok_count += count.ok;
+ entry.warning_count += count.warning;
+ entry.error_count += count.error;
+ entry.unknown_count += count.unknown;
+ }
+ let mut list: Vec<TaskSummaryItem> = map.into_values().collect();
+ list.sort_by(|a, b| {
+ let a_count = a.error_count + a.warning_count + a.ok_count;
+ let b_count = b.error_count + b.warning_count + b.ok_count;
+ b_count.cmp(&a_count)
+ });
+ list.into_iter().take(limit as usize).collect()
+fn render_counter(
+ link: Scope<ProxmoxTaskSummary>,
+ count: u64,
+ task_type: String,
+ task_class: TaskStatusClass,
+) -> Html {
+ let (icon_class, icon_scheme, state_text) = match task_class {
+ TaskStatusClass::Ok => ("fa-check", css::ColorScheme::Success, tr!("OK")),
+ TaskStatusClass::Warning => (
+ "fa-exclamation-triangle",
+ css::ColorScheme::Warning,
+ tr!("Warning"),
+ ),
+ TaskStatusClass::Error => ("fa-times-circle", css::ColorScheme::Error, tr!("Error")),
+ };
+ let tip = tr!("Show: {0} - {1}", get_type_title(&task_type), state_text);
+ let has_count = count > 0;
+ let action = ActionIcon::new(classes!("fa", icon_class))
+ .margin_end(1)
+ .class(has_count.then_some(icon_scheme))
+ .disabled(!has_count)
+ .on_activate(move |_| {
+ link.send_message(Msg::ShowFilteredTasks(Some((
+ task_type.clone(),
+ task_class,
+ ))))
+ });
+ Tooltip::new(
+ Container::from_tag("span")
+ .with_child(action)
+ .with_child(count),
+ )
+ .tip(has_count.then_some(tip))
+ .into()
+impl ProxmoxTaskSummary {
+ fn task_summary_columns(
+ &self,
+ ctx: &Context<Self>,
+ ) -> Rc<Vec<DataTableHeader<TaskSummaryItem>>> {
+ Rc::new(vec![
+ DataTableColumn::new("")
+ .flex(1)
+ .get_property(|item: &TaskSummaryItem| &item.title)
+ .into(),
+ DataTableColumn::new("")
+ .width("100px")
+ .render({
+ let link =;
+ move |item: &TaskSummaryItem| {
+ render_counter(
+ link.clone(),
+ item.error_count,
+ TaskStatusClass::Error,
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ .into(),
+ DataTableColumn::new("")
+ .width("100px")
+ .render({
+ let link =;
+ move |item: &TaskSummaryItem| {
+ render_counter(
+ link.clone(),
+ item.warning_count,
+ TaskStatusClass::Warning,
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ .into(),
+ DataTableColumn::new("")
+ .width("100px")
+ .render({
+ let link =;
+ move |item: &TaskSummaryItem| {
+ render_counter(
+ link.clone(),
+ item.ok_count,
+ TaskStatusClass::Ok,
+ )
+ }
+ })
+ .into(),
+ ])
+ }
+impl Component for ProxmoxTaskSummary {
+ type Properties = TaskSummary;
+ type Message = Msg;
+ fn create(ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
+ let store = Store::new();
+ if let Some(top_remotes) = ctx.props().top_remotes {
+ store.set_data(extract_task_summary_remote(
+ &ctx.props().statistics,
+ top_remotes,
+ ));
+ } else {
+ store.set_data(extract_task_summary(&ctx.props().statistics));
+ }
+ Self {
+ store,
+ task_filters: None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn update(&mut self, _ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
+ match msg {
+ Msg::ShowFilteredTasks(filters) => {
+ self.task_filters = filters;
+ }
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
+ let props = ctx.props();
+ let tasks = self.task_filters.as_ref().map(|(task_type, task_status)| {
+ let group = if props.top_remotes.is_some() {
+ super::filtered_tasks::TaskGroup::Remote(task_type.clone())
+ } else {
+ super::filtered_tasks::TaskGroup::Type(task_type.clone())
+ };
+ FilteredTasks::new(props.since, group, *task_status).on_close({
+ let link =;
+ move |_| link.send_message(Msg::ShowFilteredTasks(None))
+ })
+ });
+ Container::new()
+ .class(css::FlexFit)
+ .with_child(
+ DataTable::new(self.task_summary_columns(ctx),
+ .class(pwt::css::FlexFit)
+ .striped(false)
+ .borderless(true)
+ .hover(true)
+ .show_header(false),
+ )
+ .with_optional_child(tasks)
+ .into()
+ }
pdm-devel mailing list
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Thread overview: 8+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2025-02-19 12:28 [pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager v2 0/7] add task summary panels in dashboard Dominik Csapak
2025-02-19 12:28 ` [pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager v2 1/7] server: task cache: treat a limit of 0 as unbounded Dominik Csapak
2025-02-19 12:28 ` [pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager v2 2/7] server: api: remote tasks: add 'remote' filter option Dominik Csapak
2025-02-19 12:28 ` [pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager v2 3/7] server: api: add remote-tasks statistics Dominik Csapak
2025-02-19 12:28 ` [pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager v2 4/7] ui: refactor remote upid formatter Dominik Csapak
2025-02-19 12:28 ` [pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager v2 5/7] ui: tasks: add helper to summarize task categories Dominik Csapak
2025-02-19 12:28 ` [pdm-devel] [PATCH datacenter-manager v2 6/7] ui: add dialog to show filtered tasks Dominik Csapak
2025-02-19 12:28 ` Dominik Csapak [this message]
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