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From: Dominik Csapak <>
Subject: [pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup 2/2] ui: remove PBS.node.Tasks and related css class
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2021 09:18:08 +0200	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

this lives now in proxmox-widget-toolkit

Signed-off-by: Dominik Csapak <>
 www/Makefile         |   1 -
 www/css/ext6-pbs.css |   4 -
 www/panel/Tasks.js   | 386 -------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 391 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 www/panel/Tasks.js

diff --git a/www/Makefile b/www/Makefile
index 517cbd23..015fbfd4 100644
--- a/www/Makefile
+++ b/www/Makefile
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ JSSRC=							\
 	dashboard/LongestTasks.js			\
 	dashboard/RunningTasks.js			\
 	dashboard/TaskSummary.js			\
-	panel/Tasks.js					\
 	panel/XtermJsConsole.js				\
 	panel/AccessControl.js				\
 	panel/StorageAndDisks.js			\
diff --git a/www/css/ext6-pbs.css b/www/css/ext6-pbs.css
index 39ab4598..b9b89936 100644
--- a/www/css/ext6-pbs.css
+++ b/www/css/ext6-pbs.css
@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
     background-color: #3892d4;
 } {
-    color: #3892d4;
 /* make the upper window end visible */
 .x-css-shadow {
     box-shadow: rgb(136,136,136) 0px -1px 15px !important;
diff --git a/www/panel/Tasks.js b/www/panel/Tasks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a194e478..00000000
--- a/www/panel/Tasks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-Ext.define('PBS.node.Tasks', {
-    extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel',
-    alias: 'widget.pbsNodeTasks',
-    stateful: true,
-    stateId: 'pbs-grid-node-tasks',
-    loadMask: true,
-    sortableColumns: false,
-    controller: {
-	xclass: '',
-	showTaskLog: function() {
-	    let me = this;
-	    let selection = me.getView().getSelection();
-	    if (selection.length < 1) {
-		return;
-	    }
-	    let rec = selection[0];
-	    Ext.create('Proxmox.window.TaskViewer', {
-		upid:,
-		endtime:,
-	    }).show();
-	},
-	updateLayout: function() {
-	    let me = this;
-	    // we want to update the scrollbar on every store load
-	    // since the total count might be different
-	    // the buffered grid plugin does this only on scrolling itself
-	    // and even reduces the scrollheight again when scrolling up
-	    me.getView().updateLayout();
-	},
-	sinceChange: function(field, newval) {
-	    let me = this;
-	    let vm = me.getViewModel();
-	    vm.set('since', newval);
-	},
-	untilChange: function(field, newval, oldval) {
-	    let me = this;
-	    let vm = me.getViewModel();
-	    vm.set('until', newval);
-	},
-	reload: function() {
-	    let me = this;
-	    let view = me.getView();
-	    view.getStore().load();
-	},
-	showFilter: function(btn, pressed) {
-	    let me = this;
-	    let vm = me.getViewModel();
-	    vm.set('showFilter', pressed);
-	},
-	init: function(view) {
-	    let me = this;
-	    Proxmox.Utils.monStoreErrors(view, view.getStore(), true);
-	},
-    },
-    listeners: {
-	itemdblclick: 'showTaskLog',
-    },
-    viewModel: {
-	data: {
-	    typefilter: '',
-	    statusfilter: '',
-	    datastore: '',
-	    showFilter: false,
-	    since: null,
-	    until: null,
-	},
-	formulas: {
-	    filterIcon: (get) => 'fa fa-filter' + (get('showFilter') ? ' info-blue' : ''),
-	    extraParams: function(get) {
-		let me = this;
-		let params = {};
-		if (get('typefilter')) {
-		    params.typefilter = get('typefilter');
-		}
-		if (get('statusfilter')) {
-		    params.statusfilter = get('statusfilter');
-		}
-		if (get('datastore')) {
- = get('datastore');
-		}
-		if (get('since')) {
-		    params.since = get('since').valueOf()/1000;
-		}
-		if (get('until')) {
-		    let until = new Date(get('until').getTime()); // copy object
-		    until.setDate(until.getDate() + 1); // end of the day
-		    params.until = until.valueOf()/1000;
-		}
-		me.getView().getStore().load();
-		return params;
-	    },
-	},
-	stores: {
-	    bufferedstore: {
-		type: 'buffered',
-		pageSize: 500,
-		autoLoad: true,
-		remoteFilter: true,
-		model: 'proxmox-tasks',
-		proxy: {
-		    type: 'proxmox',
-		    startParam: 'start',
-		    limitParam: 'limit',
-		    extraParams: '{extraParams}',
-		    url: "/api2/json/nodes/localhost/tasks",
-		},
-		listeners: {
-		    prefetch: 'updateLayout',
-		},
-	    },
-	},
-    },
-    bind: {
-	store: '{bufferedstore}',
-    },
-    dockedItems: [
-	{
-	    xtype: 'toolbar',
-	    items: [
-		{
-		    xtype: 'proxmoxButton',
-		    text: gettext('View'),
-		    iconCls: 'fa fa-window-restore',
-		    disabled: true,
-		    handler: 'showTaskLog',
-		},
-		{
-		    xtype: 'button',
-		    text: gettext('Reload'),
-		    iconCls: 'fa fa-refresh',
-		    handler: 'reload',
-		},
-		'->',
-		{
-		    xtype: 'button',
-		    enableToggle: true,
-		    bind: {
-			iconCls: '{filterIcon}',
-		    },
-		    text: gettext('Filter'),
-		    stateful: true,
-		    stateId: 'task-showfilter',
-		    stateEvents: ['toggle'],
-		    applyState: function(state) {
-			if (state.pressed !== undefined) {
-			    this.setPressed(state.pressed);
-			}
-		    },
-		    getState: function() {
-			return {
-			    pressed: this.pressed,
-			};
-		    },
-		    listeners: {
-			toggle: 'showFilter',
-		    },
-		},
-	    ],
-	},
-	{
-	    xtype: 'toolbar',
-	    dock: 'top',
-	    layout: {
-		type: 'hbox',
-		align: 'top',
-	    },
-	    bind: {
-		hidden: '{!showFilter}',
-	    },
-	    items: [
-		{
-		    xtype: 'container',
-		    padding: 10,
-		    layout: {
-			type: 'vbox',
-			align: 'stretch',
-		    },
-		    defaults: {
-			labelWidth: 80,
-		    },
-		    // cannot bind the values directly, as it then changes also
-		    // on blur, causing wrong reloads of the store
-		    items: [
-			{
-			    xtype: 'datefield',
-			    fieldLabel: gettext('Since'),
-			    format: 'Y-m-d',
-			    bind: {
-				maxValue: '{until}',
-			    },
-			    listeners: {
-				change: 'sinceChange',
-			    },
-			},
-			{
-			    xtype: 'datefield',
-			    fieldLabel: gettext('Until'),
-			    format: 'Y-m-d',
-			    bind: {
-				minValue: '{since}',
-			    },
-			    listeners: {
-				change: 'untilChange',
-			    },
-			},
-		    ],
-		},
-		{
-		    xtype: 'container',
-		    padding: 10,
-		    layout: {
-			type: 'vbox',
-			align: 'stretch',
-		    },
-		    defaults: {
-			labelWidth: 80,
-		    },
-		    items: [
-			{
-			    xtype: 'pmxTaskTypeSelector',
-			    fieldLabel: gettext('Task Type'),
-			    emptyText: gettext('All'),
-			    bind: {
-				value: '{typefilter}',
-			    },
-			},
-			{
-			    xtype: 'combobox',
-			    fieldLabel: gettext('Task Result'),
-			    emptyText: gettext('All'),
-			    multiSelect: true,
-			    store: [
-				['ok', gettext('OK')],
-				['unknown', Proxmox.Utils.unknownText],
-				['warning', gettext('Warnings')],
-				['error', gettext('Errors')],
-			    ],
-			    bind: {
-				value: '{statusfilter}',
-			    },
-			},
-		    ],
-		},
-		{
-		    xtype: 'container',
-		    padding: 10,
-		    layout: {
-			type: 'vbox',
-			align: 'stretch',
-		    },
-		    defaults: {
-			labelWidth: 80,
-		    },
-		    items: [
-			{
-			    xtype: 'pbsDataStoreSelector',
-			    fieldLabel: gettext('Datastore'),
-			    emptyText: gettext('All'),
-			    bind: {
-				value: '{datastore}',
-			    },
-			    allowBlank: true,
-			},
-		    ],
-		},
-	    ],
-	},
-    ],
-    viewConfig: {
-	trackOver: false,
-	stripeRows: false, // does not work with getRowClass()
-	emptyText: gettext('No Tasks found'),
-	getRowClass: function(record, index) {
-	    let status = record.get('status');
-	    if (status) {
-		let parsed = Proxmox.Utils.parse_task_status(status);
-		if (parsed === 'error') {
-		    return "proxmox-invalid-row";
-		} else if (parsed === 'warning') {
-		    return "proxmox-warning-row";
-		}
-	    }
-	    return '';
-	},
-    },
-    columns: [
-	{
-	    header: gettext("Start Time"),
-	    dataIndex: 'starttime',
-	    width: 130,
-	    renderer: function(value) {
-		return Ext.Date.format(value, "M d H:i:s");
-	    },
-	},
-	{
-	    header: gettext("End Time"),
-	    dataIndex: 'endtime',
-	    width: 130,
-	    renderer: function(value, metaData, record) {
-		if (!value) {
-		    metaData.tdCls = "x-grid-row-loading";
-		    return '';
-		}
-		return Ext.Date.format(value, "M d H:i:s");
-	    },
-	},
-	{
-	    header: gettext("Duration"),
-	    hidden: true,
-	    width: 80,
-	    renderer: function(value, metaData, record) {
-		let start =;
-		if (start) {
-		    let end = ||;
-		    let duration = end - start;
-		    if (duration > 0) {
-			duration /= 1000;
-		    }
-		    return Proxmox.Utils.format_duration_human(duration);
-		}
-		return Proxmox.Utils.unknownText;
-	    },
-	},
-	{
-	    header: gettext("User name"),
-	    dataIndex: 'user',
-	    width: 150,
-	},
-	{
-	    header: gettext("Description"),
-	    dataIndex: 'upid',
-	    flex: 1,
-	    renderer: Proxmox.Utils.render_upid,
-	},
-	{
-	    header: gettext("Status"),
-	    dataIndex: 'status',
-	    width: 200,
-	    renderer: function(value, metaData, record) {
-		if (value === undefined && ! {
-		    metaData.tdCls = "x-grid-row-loading";
-		    return '';
-		}
-		let parsed = Proxmox.Utils.parse_task_status(value);
-		switch (parsed) {
-		    case 'unknown': return Proxmox.Utils.unknownText;
-		    case 'error': return Proxmox.Utils.errorText + ': ' + value;
-		    case 'ok': // fall-through
-		    case 'warning': // fall-through
-		    default: return value;
-		}
-	    },
-	},
-    ],

  parent reply	other threads:[~2021-06-24  7:18 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 4+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2021-06-24  7:18 [pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup 0/2] use task list from widget-toolkit Dominik Csapak
2021-06-24  7:18 ` [pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup 1/2] ui: use task list component from widget toolkit Dominik Csapak
2021-06-24  7:18 ` Dominik Csapak [this message]
2021-07-08  9:49 ` [pbs-devel] applied-series: [PATCH proxmox-backup 0/2] use task list from widget-toolkit Thomas Lamprecht

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