Dear PVE Users, I'm trying to restore a LXC from backup (PBS), but it fails with this error: recovering backed-up configuration from 'PBS-Local:backup/ct/102/2022-03-14T23:37:06Z' restoring 'PBS-Local:backup/ct/102/2022-03-14T23:37:06Z' now.. Error: error extracting archive - error at entry "nextcloud.log": failed to copy file contents: Disk quota exceeded (os error 122) TASK ERROR: unable to restore CT 102 - command '/usr/bin/proxmox-backup-client restore '--crypt-mode=none' ct/102/2022-03-14T23:37:06Z root.pxar /var/lib/lxc/102/rootfs --allow-existing-dirs --repository root@pam@' failed: exit code 255 The 102 container doesn't exist anymore, so I don't known where this quota limit can come from. Any idea about to succesfully restore my backup? Thanks a lot and best regards, -- Marco Bertorello