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Subject: Re: [pbs-devel] [PATCH proxmox-backup 1/2] fix: ui: sync job:
 switch rate limit based on sync direction
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On 3/17/25 13:11, Christian Ebner wrote:
> On 3/17/25 12:56, Dominik Csapak wrote:
>> On 3/17/25 11:32, Christian Ebner wrote:
>>> On 3/17/25 11:07, Dominik Csapak wrote:
>>>> High level comment:
>>>> I know it's preexisting, bu does it even make sense to have a 'rate- in' and 'rate-out' for sync
>>>> jobs? would it not make more sense to have a single 'rate' parameter and apply it to both
>>>> directions?
>>> You mean only as additional parameter for the api endpoint for sync job config creation and 
>>> update? Or as parameter for the sync job config itself?
>>> The former might be the better option, and one can check if both rate and rate-in/out were set 
>>> and abort with error in that case or abort with error if a rate-in was configured for a push or 
>>> rate-out for a pull?
>> i had actually imagined 3 options for the sync job config
>> rate: limits both in/out
>> rate-in/out: precedence over rate, limits the respective direction
>> and only expose the 'rate' option on the ui
> Okay, that makes sense, but the issue I see there is that per-existing rate limits are not shown in 
> the UI anymore, as the `rate` field is now used, while the config has the explicit `rate-in/out` set.
> So this would need some merging first, or am I missing something?

no, you're right, but i think we have a few options:

* contrary to what i suggested, don't prioritize rate-in/out, but only use it when 'rate' is not set
* delete rate-in/out when setting the rate via the gui
* as you suggested in the other response, only keep rate-in and rate-out but expose both
   (although i can already see the confusion about what is 'in' and what is 'out' regarding sync 
* (other suggestions?)

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